Mount Washington from south of the auto road (Ed O'Malley)
Going up a little semi-vertical stretch of the Lion's Head Trail (John Bauhs)
Ryan, me, Wayne, and Chef John Bauhs headin' on up (Mike Finnegan)
Ryan, Chef John, Wayne and I at Lion's Head, overlooking Tuckerman Ravine and a nice K-H cloud (Mike Finnegan)
Ryan and I at the summit sign after our hike (he's definitely taller than me in this pic; John Bauhs)
The eastern facing wall of Tuck's from Lion's Head (John Bauhs)
Our volunteers, John Bauhs (a personal chef from

Sunset with a few clouds over the valley (Ed O'Malley)
Brian and the kitty mitten
This was the first week that I had seen Marty go outside. He doesn't really seem to like getting his paws icy, but he does pretty well for a cat in the wind and on slick surfaces. As Brian puts it, he has built-in crampons --although he doesn't always think to use them. Ed and I successfully did a couple of photo shoots for posters, postcards, and other gift shop goods. His long, black fur looks really neat on the white snow and amongst all of the black rocks on the summit. He's also a really good little cat for the summit because he sticks close to you as you walk around, and meows for you if you get too far away. I'm hoping that I might see him take a bit of a hike before I leave.
Me with Marty before a photo shoot (Ed O'Malley)
Marty as he's slowly coaxed away from the tower door... (Ed O'Malley)
Marking his territory on the staircase at Tip Top House (Ed O'Malley)
Getting Marty into the perfect shot required us to lead him around, snap a few shots, and round him up again. He didn't like having his feet in the snow very much, so he didn't stay in one place for too long and didn't often sit down. (Ed O'Malley)
Coming out from under a boulder in front of Tip Top House (Ed O'Malley)
Washing in front of the summit sign (Ed O'Malley)
Waiting for Marty at the summit sign (Ed O'Malley)
Sliding down the Yankee drift (Ed O'Malley)
After our grand adventure on Tuesday, I didn't really get out much the rest of the week. The weather was still a bit wintry, with freezing rain a few days and freezing fog a few others. On the last night of our shift, Mike and I took a little hike down to the
We went out to the Red Park Pub across the street from my house when we got back, and then progressed to Flatbread Pizza (excellent food --sustainable, too!). The volunteers, Mike, Brian, Cara, Ryan, his parents and I chatted for quite a while there. It was great to meet Ryan's parents and to have him come out, as he lives out of town and doesn't often come out with us.
A few days later, my cousin Pat came up for a visit. We did some shopping in
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we'll be heading over to
Scruffy, blown clouds over Wildcat (Ed O'Malley)
The observatory from below (Ed O'Malley)
Rime ice on the radio tower cables (Ed O'Malley)
Closeup of rime ice on the radio tower cables (Ed O'Malley) --patterns like these are caused by sublimation of some of the ice.
Clouds rolling over Monroe and Lakes of the Clouds (Ed O'Malley)
Looking back from the Apline Gardens over Tuckerman Ravine (the hole on the left; Ed O'Malley)
Whispy morning clouds over the mountains to the south (Ed O'Malley)
Chris and Mike heading off to the East Snowfields for a ski/board (Ed O'Malley)