Parka Place (I live in the second building from the right). This pic was taken from the bridge that crosses over the Saco, along highway 302.
The Saco River, looking NW (I think!)
Sparkles in the very cold through the woods
Trees behind the house
The hill and a rooftop from the road winding through the little alpine housing development that you get to via the trail in our backyard woods
View one (looking E from the back of our cabin)
....two.... looking W (Tom's car, our cabin)
Three, looking NW
Four, looking Nish
Five, looking NNE
Six, looking NE (a little baptist church)
....Seven, looking SW toward our cabin and the house.
Whilst off the mountain, I'm living in a little town called Glen. It's situated at the intersection of highways 302 and 16. There are a couple of gas stations, a Family Dollar, Dairy Queen, a bank, a grocery store, and a couple other little shops. The house I'm staying in is a two-story cabin alongside a nice Victorian house. Collectively the house and three cabins are called "Parka Place" because they're located right across the street from the "Red Parka Pub". The cabin has three other guys living in it - Tom (on my side), Travis and Chris (on the other side). Jan, my landlord, says that you can see the mountain from the house, but I haven't yet --it's quite often obscured by clouds to the point that it is apparently just gone. However, you can definitely see the Saco River, which runs about 15 feet in front of the house.
I've been exploring a bit, and found a trail that goes into the woods and back to a little alpine housing development. There are a couple of other places to walk, but the highway isn't so good for pedestrians. Tom, my housemate, says that there are some logging roads that take you up to the foothills so I'm hoping I can go check those out soon.